Welcome to Millenium Chamber! This is a site completely about Yu-Gi-Oh! It contains character bios, images, graphics, and
more. If you like Millenium Chamber please bookmark
it. It would also be nice if you would vote for me on the topsites located at the bottom on the Favorite
Links page.

Anybody willing to help me transfer yet? Don't expect too many updates
I'm still moving.

Tons of new captions were submitted but not added. I removed all the games. I also have one new affiliate.

1 new caption submitted when it's May 3rd or something like that it will have a poll instead of the
form. Also DMG Forever has closed her link has been removed along with Joey's Girl.

I'm finally updating again! Sorry! Anyway Yugiyasha Souls has moved and I have changed the link. Sorry
it took so long but I was busy.

Okay 1 new song in fanworks section it was requested by me my other request for a song was not made
yet but this one was made later and got finished quicker. Anyway I like it.

If the counter is at 1500 please email me. You will get a gift with your
favorite YGO couple on it. You must send the picture of the counter for proof. Email me at