What Anime Legend Are
magician. You love the dark because of it's beauty and just the life that no-one else sees. Mysterious, calm, quiet...
But that doesn't mean you're not friendly!
Please rate ^^
kind of dark person are you? brought to you by Quizilla
have Yugi's eyes!
Yu-Gi-Oh Eye are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Yu-Gi-Oh! Char are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Which Seto Kaiba are you? brought
to you by Quizilla
 You're inner duelist is Bakura. Winning? Ha! You don't care about that all you care about it breaking
you're "victims" down to nothing. You don't want the titles or the fame you just want power and the knowledge that you drove
your opponent to the brink of insanity!
Who Is Your Inner Duelist? (Yu-Gi-Oh) brought to you by
 You are Yugi Muto. A kind-hearted fellow, you really love your grandpa and friends, and will do anythng
for them.
The Duelist in you brought to you by Quizilla
are Mazaki Anzu! You're smart, kind, loyal and you love your friends enough to kill for them. You are full of so much
faith that you are practically faith herself. Your first love remains unreqited yet you are able to muster the strenght
to move on. You always put others first and you are very optismic. You try to follow through your dreams, never once forgetting
to love and care. You are the best friend a person could have!
Yuugiou Female Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

Wow, you're definetly obsessed with Yugioh! Good for you! You're even more obsessed
than I am, and that's pretty obsessed! Just make sure not to confuse the show with reality; if you get any more obsessed
that's not healthy! How many friends have you lost by talking about Yugioh 24/7?
obsessed with Yugioh are you? brought to you byQuizilla
 What Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Are
You? Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
 What Tokyo Mew Mew Character
Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Your Hidden Power Is Water
You have a rather calm soul, but when tempted will
get pissed off at those who bug you. You do whatever you can in your powers to help those of your allies and have a
okay taste for human kind, but you find them rather annoying on occasions.
Gem Stone: Saphire, Eye
Color:Ice Blue,Hair Color:Dark Blue that's long that goes to your waist.
Quote:If you wait
for me
Then I'll come for you. Although I've travelled far, I always hold a place for you
In my heart. If you think of me, If you miss me once in a while, Then I'll return to you. I'll return and fill that
space in your heart
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
 What Kingdom Hearts Character
Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
Caught Bishoujo
