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killer card combos(more alliteration)

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killer card combos

1)penguin soldier-You can send an opponents card to their hand and penguin soldier to do this repeatedly.

2)ojama king+ground collapse+spell canceller+jinzo-Ojama king will make it so they can only have 2 monsters on the field at once.Ground collapse will get rid of the last 2 spaces.Jinzo and Spell canceller will make it so your opponent can't activate or play any cards.

3)painful choice+twin headed behemoth+revival jam x3+vampire lord-play painful choice and select those other 5 cards.When they are destroyed, they will all be reborn.

4)stumbling+black tyranno-stumbling makes your opponent summon all cards in defense.Black tyranno lets you attack with it directly if all cards on your opponents side of the field in defense mode.

 5)confiscation+exchange-use confiscation to look at your opponents hand and discard the second best card and see if there is any card worth taking.Then play exchange and take the best card.

 6)(for exodia decks) painful choice+sangan x3+witch of the black forest x2-play painful coice. Select those 5 cards. Take all exodia parts

 7)snatch steal+bad reaction to simochi-get a free monster while your opponent loses 1000 life points a turn.

8)convulsion of nature+reversal quiz-bring your life points low and do this combo. You know, cards like upstart goblin, archfiends, etc.  You get high life points while your opponent has squat.

9)(for exodia decks)backup soldier x2+painful choice+witch of the black forest-play painful choice and choose all exodia cards besides head+any card.Play backup soldier(s) to get exodia pieces from graveyard.  Witch of the black forest will get you the head.